Thursday, February 7, 2013

‘A Clear Record for the Sinner'

In this world if you are wrongly accused and the verdict in the court of law is given in your favor, all charges are dropped against you but the records of the case still remain.  If one submits an application to the government requesting “Please remove my records as I was innocent” they will say “we have acquitted you but we will still keep the records”. With cases where one is acquitted, the world courts will still not abolish the records. I marvel at Allah (swt)’s mercy, a person who was guilty, he had sinned, he had sinned, the case against him was correct, if he appeals to you for mercy, Allah (swt) doesn’t just acquit him from that sin but Allah (swt) eliminates the record of the sin as well.

In a hadith it comes, Allah (swt) makes the piece of earth where he committed the sin forget, so it cannot testify against him. The angels which saw him sin are made to forget. The sinner’s body parts are also made to forget, so on the Day of Judgment no one will be able to testify against this individual.  Allah (swt) is so generous and kind. That’s why it’s stated “Tell my people I am oft-frogiving and merciful”.  So when the Lord of the worlds categorically expresses His mercy in the Qur’an, one should make the most of this. Today we have the means to do Tauba [repentance] yet when death approaches the means of repenting is taken away. Even the Pharaoh tried to seek repentance at the time of death, he was asked “Now? Too late, it won’t happen now”. Allah (swt) has given us health and life so however many sins we have committed we should seek repentance. Allah (swt) will accept [sincere] repentance; Allah (swt) will not turn the person away disappointed/dejected and empty.

SO PONDER OVER THIS: You are alive today to make Tauba to Allah (swt) and make all your sins go away, But tomorrow you won't be and the doors of Mercy will then be closed. So make Tauba right now, don't wait for tomorrow....  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Etiquette's of Making Du'a to Allah (swt)

    Du'a is the weapon of a believer so whenever we decide to make du'a we must keep the following points in our mind:

Sinceritiy in making du’a:
This indeed is the most important condition that we must fulfill while making Du’a for Allah (swt) Himself wants us to worship Him in a pure (sincere) form as it’s evident from Qur’an. Now what do we mean by sincerity in du’a? We must have 100% faith in Allah (swt) that It is only He who can fulfill our du’a. 
     2)   Make True Tauba to Allah (swt):
At times our du’as are also not answered because of the sins that we have committed in past. So we must repent to Allah (swt) first and then put forward our need.

    3)   Beseeching, humbling oneself, hoping for Allah (swt)’s reward and fearing His punishment: 
    This is the spirit, essence and purpose of du’aa.
Allah (swt) says (interpretation of the meaning): “Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not the aggressors” [al-A’raaf 7:55]

    4)   Repeating the du’a from the depth of your heart:
As per sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw) it is liked to say a du’a 3 times and ask for forgiveness 3 times [Abu Dawood]

    5)   Making Du’a at times of ease:
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: Remember Allah during times of ease and He will remember you during times of hardship.

    6)   Making Du’a with the intention to draw closer to Allah (swt):
Make Du’a to Allah (swt) by using His other names (sifa’at) as well as it’s mentioned in Qur’an:
“And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them” [al-A’raaf 7:180].

    7)   Choosing the clearest and most concise words and the best of du’as:  The best of du’as are the du’as of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), but it is permissible to say other words according to the specific needs of a person.

     8)   Make du’a while crying and in Sujood:
This is also one of the most important state while making Du’a as Allah (swt) Loves that person the most who cries to Allah (swt) in solitude and Allah (swt) is closest to us when we are in Sujood (prostration).

Apart from all these conditions there are many other ways to make Du’a also for instance:
1.) Be in Wudhu
2.) Wear a cap
3.) Sunnah Dressing (outward look as per sunnah so Allah (swt) looks at You with Mercy)
4.) Face towards Qiblah
5.) Send salutations on Prophet Muhammad (saw) before making du’a
6.) Make Du’a in loneliness
7.) Make Du’a after Azan is proclaimed and before Iqaamah (best time)
8.) Make Du’a when it’s raining (best time)
9.) Make Du’a on Jumua (Friday) between Asr and Maghrib. (best time)
10.) Make Du’a in the 3rd part of night at the time of Tahajjud (best time to make du’a)
11.) Make Du’a just before Fajr (daw) (best time)
12.) Make Du’a in Masjid (best place)
13.) Make Du’a when fasting
14.) Make Du’a when mistreated or oppressed.
15.) Make Du’a while traveling
16.) Make Du’a with a pure heart.